Day-time Entertainment & Sport Animation


  • offer variety, entertainment, good quality (hardware and software)
  • flawless implementation, easy access


  • joint elaboration of detailed programmes/ offers
  • joint decision on needed equipment
  • implementation and daily operation by “Bread and Jam”


  • pre-defined quality targets
  • weekly feedback


  • Weekly organization of creative programmes, sports tournaments and games
  • Organization and implementation of sports offers
  • Organization and implementation of artistic/ creative offers (possibly with external partners)
  • Professional, multi-lingual information in co-operation with Marketing department (website, App, info screens, room information, etc.)
  • Alternative/ indoor programmes in case of bad weather
  • Animation staff: approx. 8 people

Day-time Entertainment

  • Games:– bingo
    – table-top football
    – SingStar
    – etc.
    Free and voluntary participation of guests, prizes sponsored by “People of the World”
  • Artistic/ creative programmes (for supplement)– photography course
    – painting (e.g. watercolour, silk painting, …)
    – pottery course
    – sculpture course (sone, wood, …)
    – cooking classes
    Possible theme weeks/ offers

Sports: Beach

  • Water Sports Centre outsourced to specialized partner -> not part of Animation
  • Animation is responsible for: upkeep of beach volley/ beach soccer/ beach tennis/ bocce courts, (free) rental of equipment (balls, rackets, etc.), organization of tournaments
  • Offered sports:– beach volley (incl. tournaments, possible campus)
    – beach soccer (incl. tournaments)
    – beach tennis (incl. tournaments)
    – bocce (incl. tournaments)
    – fitness: 30 minute programmes for stretching, step aerobics, spinning, aqua gym, body shaping, Zumba, bums-tums-legs, back fitness, early morning Pilates & yoga, etc.
    – possible personal fitness, circle fitness, biker fitness, etc. (for supplement)

Sports: Land

  • Bike Centre may be outsourced to specialized partner -> not part of Animation
  • Animation is responsible for: upkeep of multi-functional sports courts (tennis, football, basket, volleyball), (free) rental of equipment (balls, rackets, etc.), reservations of tennis courts (at cost), organization of tournaments
  • Offered sports:
    – tennis (incl. tournaments)
    – basket (incl. tournaments)
    – volleyball (incl. tournaments)
    – 5-a-side football (incl. tournaments)
    – archery (incl. tournaments)
    – table tennis (incl. tournaments)
    – Nordic walking (incl. guided excursions)
    – trekking (incl. guided excursions)
    – slacklining

Stagione Estiva

Ogni struttura necessita della giusta tipologia di animazione

Stagione Invernale

Le nostre referenze con importanti strutture ricettive e consorzi in Trentino ed alto Adige costituiscono la garanzia della nostra precisione e della specializzazione dei nostri servizi.

Interessato ai nostri servizi?

Contattaci, senza impegno, scoprirai che abbiamo ottime soluzioni.

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